Women's Ministries

Women's Bible Study

The Women's Bible study meets on Monday Evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm and Tuesday Mornings from 9:15-11 am. If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Hunt at jchunt831@gmail.com.

Sisters' Lunch

Thursdays once a month 11:30 am. Come and fellowship with a potluck meal in the Green Room at the Glarus Apartments with ladies from NGBC. For more info, contact Louise Lee at ouilouiselee@gmail.com. Childcare is not available.

Mug & Muffin Bible Study

Join Karla Larson once a quarter for another Mug and Muffin study. She will be leading us through "By Grace Alone" by Sinclair Ferguson. Please sign up at the Connect Table and plan to bring your favorite mug. Muffins are provided. Questions? Contact Karla Larson at 608-575-8756. Childcare is not available.